Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Post-It Note Tuesday a day late

I know its Wednesday but my life is running a few days behind and there is no way I am missing my favorite blog post day so, here are this weeks Post-it's . So thank you Supah for once again making my week!


La Mere Joie said...

Thanks so much for your follow! For some reason I am always up way too late and it's the next day before I get anything done! I have a puppy too... and I am picking up all it's business everywhere. Sucks!

Brooke@Brooke'sBargains said...

Thanks for the follow :) I 2 can sympathize with all the dog poo!!! lol your post its made me smile!

MWalker said...

I love posties...who care's if they are a day late. Not me!

Kerry said...

Thanks for the follow and the comment. I'm following you back.

Funny post its by the way. Wouldn't life be that much better/easier if puppies could clean up after themselves or at least use the toilet? Geesh. :)

Brandi said...

The Santa one cracks me up! I know what it's like to pick up after a dog....not fun!

Anyhow, I hope your day/week gets better! Have fun, oh and let me know if it's you that is now following me...I couldn't see your profile page if it's you...I am now following you! :)

Kat @ said...

Better late than never is RIGHT! I'm at least 3 days behind on just about all of my MeMe's!! Glad I don't know Psycho Sally, either!

Rebecca D said...

Santa does take backs? Why didn't anyone tell me... lol

Jami said...

I love you more than the moon.

I love that. That is an awesome thing to say.


Cherylann said...

I Love Love your Post-its.

Ally said...

I love post-its! What a cute idea for "a post!"

Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing

sheila said...

I feel your pain on the dog crap. We've got a Saint and a Golden. OMG. When the snow melts, we're gonna have one heck of 'great time' cleaning. UHHHHH!

Screen Door Prep said...

I was running a day behind this week, too! Post Its are too much fun to skip because you're running behind, though!

Kimi said...

Oh how I have had weeks, months, and years like that! Hang in there. And damn that fat, red-suited man!