Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thank You Very Much Thursday

The way it works is that you take out all your frustrations on people/things that peeved you off during the week and thank them in a very sarcastic way, for being who or what they are/doing what they did. I know everyone can use some free therapy, so go ahead and type yours out. Then link up with KMAMA and grab the button and get in on some free therapy.

This is my first time joining in but it's been one of those weeks so here we go!

DOG - I get it, your a Lab, which means it is in your DNA to hunt. However, it is not necessary for you to go all over the entire neighborhood and drag back every single item you find and scatter it all over my yard! Thank You Very Much for making my yard look like a landfill! I also do not understand why you feel the need to CLIMB on everything! YOU ARE A DOG!!! You are not an Orangutan dogs don't climb. So Thank You Very Much for being a freak of Nature and Climbing all over everything!

IMMUNE SYSTEM - I know that you are tired and worn out, I know you are having a rough time. Thank You Very Much, for letting this be the worst allergy attack I have had in 20 years( I know I'm Old) Thank You Very Much for letting my sneeze my head off, I can't even go out to the laundry room so Thank You Very Much , I now have an infection and more medicine so Thank You Very Much!!! I feel like crap! and there a tons of people coming in a week, have you seen the house? Again Thank You Very Much!

CHILDREN - Please see above, I'm sick and we have company coming so Thank You Very Much for your refusal to help clean up your messes I really appreciate all of your cooperation, I will be donating all of your toys to charity, so Thank You Very Much for being lazy and making someones day!


Thank You Very Much for letting me get this off my chest, I feel much better now!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Playing Catch-up Again!

Here I am again, trying to play catch-up. I am so far behind on my reader it's awful. I have been trying to get around to reading and commenting on everyones blogs but I'm not sure if I am making any progress at all. I have been spending a lot of time being sick and working on my Macaroni Kid stuff. I am loving MacKid, not loving allergies this year! I haven't had them this bad since I was a little and its wearing me out both figuratively and literally. I even started taking Vitamins and I never do that! I know, I know I should always take vitamins but I take so much medicine that I hate taking anything else.. uggh! I've been sitting here all day looking at the calendar. Checking events and dates then it finally donned on me that the kids are almost out of school. Then there's the big birthday coming for the oldest. She'll be 11 in a week and a half. I'm crying, it's awful. I know that they have to grow up, but she's going so fast. I want to slow her down. I want to tell her to wait, enjoy it, take some time, don't be in such a hurry. Before too long she will be out in the "real" world and things will happen before she knows it. I want to hold on just a little tighter but I know that it won't help it will only make her want to go faster. I want to prepare her it won't be long now before boys and broken hearts. I want to tell her to skip it, wait till your 30 there's plenty of time. I know thats not always true, but when your 11 it is. I understand this is the beginning of the end, she is already so grown up and in 2 years she will be a teenager and in 7 she will go off to college. Thats not a long time and I want it to be. I want it to take forever. But for now I will focus on 11 and her birthday and enjoy it while I can.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday Follow - A Celebration of Followers April 23

It's that time if the week again today I will be participating in Friday Follow hosted by One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families, Midday Escapades

This idea is a fun way to find out about new blogs, find new friends, and grow in followers. So hop on over and link up for a chance to meet up with a bunch of great bloggers! So if you have time I encourage you to participate.

Here's how YOU can join the Friday Follow celebration:

--Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky below. Only need to add on one blog to be seen on all the blog hops.

--Grab the Friday Follow button and include on your Friday Follow blog post.

--Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots.

--Follow as many other blogs on the linky as you'd like.

--Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you're from Friday Follow.

--Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow.

This list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up each week for new participants to find your blogs. The list is only open to add your blog links on Fridays. It will be visible all week to visit the blogs listed.


I wrote this post this morning and then got busy with the rest of the bloggy moms and tweeps and as of this afternoon and 132 emails later I am happy to report that Janes son is being transferred to a great school. Anyone that says that you can't make a difference is wrong! There is nothing more powerful than the voice of a mother except the voice of many mothers! So thank you to all who helped! I know that Jane and Islaam will be forever grateful to all of you!

As mothers our deepest fear is that we will be unable to protect our children. We all know that we will do anything to make sure that they are safe. But what would you do if your child was being terrorized at school and the school was refusing to help you. I know that it sounds unimaginable but it is happening and that is where you come in. Jane needs our help. This is Janes beautiful son Islaam.

This is Islaam after he was attacked at school.

If you are not familiar with his story please go here.

One thing that we all know is that there is power in numbers and if this was your child you would do anything to get him somewhere safe. We are reaching out to help Jane and Islaam the best way we know how, with our voices. No child should live in fear and no Mother should ever be told that she will be prosecuted if she doesn't send her child to a school that refuses to ensure her childs safety. This is unacceptable.

Do you want to help get her son in a school where he can concentrate on learning and not have to worry about his immediate safety?

Blogfia has a job for you. Princess of Sarcasm has gotten everything together all you have to do is take a few minutes to send an email.

Email the principal, Mrs. Clark at and let her know that you are disappointed in their lack of cooperation and their failure to keep Islaam safe.

The matter has recently been presented to the superintendent, Christopher J. Steinhauser. We are hoping he will be more helpful. You can reach him at and let him know that you are familiar with Islaam’s case at Jefferson Middle School and that you have seen photos of the brutal attack and that you are SURE they will do the right thing and provide him with a safe learning environment at another school within their district.

Please send a copy to Jane at for her records.

If you would like to join us by posting a plea for help on your blog, Jane would be very grateful. Tweet using the #blogfia hashtag. You may copy my post and tweek it to fit yours if you wish. Please grab the blogfia button as well.
Our goal is to have their inbox flooded with emails by tomorrow morning when they get to work.

Please send emails up until 3 pm EST / noon PST on Saturday, April 24.

If Jane doesn't get a positive response we may do it again next week. We will give them an adequate amount of time to respond, but will stay on them if needed.

If you need a sample email to send you may copy mine.
Dear Ms. Clark,
I have been following the story about the recent attack on a student in your school, Islaam, and I am outraged that he has not been given an opportunity to transfer to another school. Your lack of action in this case is unacceptable. How are children supposed to learn if they are in an environment where they fear for their safety? Your inability to protect him is a serious issue. I am hoping you will take the necessary steps to protect this child’s mental and physical well being and do whatever is necessary to rectify this situation immediately.

Dear Mr. Steinhauser,
I have been following the story about the recent attack on a student at Jefferson Middle School, Islaam, and I am disappointed that he has not been provided an opportunity to enroll in another school within the district. Children need to be provided with a safe environment to learn. I hope you will move quickly to rectify this situation so that Islaam will be able to get back in school as soon as possible and work towards healing emotionally from the brutal attack. Please do not let this young man down.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Gardening with the Kiddos

Now is the ideal time to plant a butterfly garden! We all know that few kids will pass up the opportunity to dig in the dirt, plant flowers, and wait and see what new friends might come for a visit? Butterflies are all aflutter in the spring, summer and fall, and adding a colorful landscape will add delight and enticement to any Butterfly in his right mind looking for a place to land. This is a project that is not too difficult and depending on the size of the garden you plant can take around a day or two to complete.
Here's How:
• You will want to pick the perfect spot to entertain your butterfly guests. Choose a sunny location that is sheltered from wind.
• Find a couple of flat stones--dark colored ones that hold the heat of the sun are the best. Butterflies love to sun themselves after they have filled themselves up from a meal.
• Butterflies need water so make a small butterfly pond in the mud. You can also use a plastic lid from plastic ware or from a household item such as a butter tub or a round trash can lid.

Here are just a few plants that are known to attract Butterflies and sometimes Hummingbirds as well. There are many great resources on the web and at your local nursery that will list plants and shrubs that grow best in specific areas.
Butterfly Bush (Buddleia davidii) - a perennial that attracts butterflies, hummingbirds and bees with their large, fragrant panicles. The butterfly bush should be included in any butterfly or hummingbird garden. Butterfly bushes can grow 5 to 12 feet tall with a spread of 4 to 15 feet. The color of the flowers can vary, but the most common are purple, pink, white, or red. Butterfly bushes flower from June/July through fall. It is recommended that the bushes be cut back in winter to allow new growth in the spring months. Butterfly bush plants grow well in full sun and well-drained soil. The butterfly bushes are also drought-tolerant.
Lantana (Lantana camara), Trailing Lantana (Lantana montevidensis) - attracts all types of butterflies and hummingbirds. Lantana comes in a variety of colors including red, orange, yellow, purple or blue and white florets. Lantanas grow well in Zone 8 and higher.
Larkspurs (Delphinium) and Hollyhock (Alcea) - Perennial plants that can grow to 5 feet tall or more. Delphiniums are good for zones 2 - 9 and are available in a variety of flower colors. Hollyhock grows in zone 3 and has white flowers.
Sweet Bush (Bebbia juncea) drought-tolerant attracts all types and sizes of butterflies. It has yellow blooms spring through fall.

In addition to flowering plants for the butterflies, you'll want to provide food for larva like Mexican Milkweed or Passion Vine. To truly enjoy your garden you will want to make spot to sit and observe your visitors such as a bench, chairs, or a sitting area. This is also a great opportunity to break out your camera or get a disposable one and let your kids take pictures of their gardens and the various insects and birds that visit. You can also help them to create a scrapbook, collage or online photo album as a keepsake. The most important thing to remember is to have fun and make wonderful memories.

For more info on Butterfly Gardens visit:

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cooking with the kiddos - The Presto Tater Twister

*I want to start out by saying this is NOT a sponsored post. This item was a gift. No one paid me, these are my opinions*

I'm not sure if I have told everyone how much I truly love to cook. Some of my fondest memories in my life are centered around food. Not only eating it, but preparing it. I have been cooking or helping someone cook for as long as I can remember. Now before you get confused, I am no master chef, I am what we all would call a good ole' down home southern cook. Which usually translates as butter, butter, butter, batterd and fried.. but not always. When I was little I was always in the kitchen right in the middle of all of the activity always wanting to help and I was always encouraged to help.

I have been no different with my kids. When they were babies they were either on my hip, strapped to me or in a seat in the kitchen and as soon as they were big enough they were holding a spoon and stirring something up. They all love to cook, they love being in the kitchen picking out recipes and seeing how things turn out.

Now on to my point. I, being someone who loves to cook also have an obsession with kitchen gadgets and my father has a knack for feeding that obsession by gifting me with a new gadget each holiday and birthday. The latest addition to my collection is - The Presto Tater Twister . Who doesn't love Curly Fries? I love them and so do the kids. The thing I love most about my Tater Twister is that it is kid friendly. I help them put the potatoes in and then they press the top down and watch as their curly fries are created. One tip that I figured out is that if you cut the tip ends off of the potatoes it makes it easier to line them up on the top and the bottom of the twister. The clean up is easy too,the pieces snap a part and are dishwasher safe. I found a bunch on Ebay, I'm not even sure if you can get them in the stores any more becuase I had never seen one. We have been using it at least once every few weeks or so since my birthday. I love it and the kids have a ball with it. So if you have kids that you let cook with you and you love Curly Fries I highly recommend you get one, you won't regret it!

Monday, April 12, 2010

All About MeMe Monday : Whats the Word

Ok, so MommyBrian and Supah want to know whats our word or words that we have made up or adapted.

What is YOUR WORD?
a WORD or CATCH PHRASE that you made up
or stole borrowed
or adapted or whatever
a WORD or CATCH PHRASE that you say all the time,
use in an unusual way,
makes you laugh or feel clever.
a WORD or CATCH PHRASE that you've redefined
or that has come to mean something different
because of your kids or your job

Adventures in Mommyville and Loco YaYa decided to do our post together, as we are one brain in two bodies. Allbeit totally different bodies!! But all the same. We were on the phone when we read this post and the first word we both said was the same. Soooooo, we decided to just go on ahead and post together. Meh, it's how we do things in these parts.


bitchitude - what you call the mid-point between an attitude and just plain bein' a bitch. yes people.

i.e. "let me tell you something, you don't drop that bitchitude you've been carrying around and i'm gonna lop it off like a gimp limb!"

- when something is so ridonkulousy rediculous. mostly used dripping with sarcasm.

i.e. when you go to get a cup of coffee, your significant other not only drained the pot, but there is none left in the cabinet, and you have no gas to get to the store. THAT is asstastic.

psycho sally/rosemary - this is our word for when one of the kids is being crazy. and i do not just mean run of the mill crazy. i mean a step above and beyond. one that could possibly require a white jacket with long sleeves and buckles. the type of crazy where no amount of lithium or shock therapy could make things better.

i.e. "sorry we could not make it to dinner last night. Lil'R was being psycho sally and Lil'K turned into rosemary about 10 minutes before we left"

- in the 'ass' family. we use this family of words a lot. again, best used dripping with sarcasm. this is the next step up from asstastick. when asstastick just does not quite fit. this word can be used and interchanged with asstastick as much as needed.

i.e. coffee situation above except after spending all day complaining about no coffee, after your SO gets home, he informs you that he filled your truck up and your BFF brought some coffee by the night before, it just was not put in the right place. asstabulous.

assaholic - this term describes someone who is super awesome at being an ass. they cannot help it, and most of the time they are in denial about the situation. the recovery is long and hard for the assaholic. traditional therapy does not work for this person. one of the only cures that has been known to work is a soap bar in a tube sock applied nightly to affected areas.

i.e. "dude, your dad is an assaholic"

hoohoodilly - little man parts - we had to find a new word for penis when the kids were little and with 4 girls in the house, well this is what we came up with.

i.e "little man please put up your hoohoodilly and stop tormenting your sisters, you are going to cause them to go blind!


douche-canoe - we first heard this one via The Bloggess. and we both use it and love it!

vajayjay - how dare they say that 'bailey' off of grey's made up this word. first off...locoyaya has been using this word for quite a while. at least since 2007. AT LEAST! but ok. she makes money and i do not. so i guess there is no ground to stand on. but i have my eye on your peoplewhodeterminewhocoinswhatword.

Friday, April 9, 2010

A new kind of life and Follow Friday April 9th

So many things have changed for me lately. Life has taken a turn. There is a kind of peacefulness that has fallen on my house that hasn't been here in a very long time. I hoped for it, but never expected it. It seems as though we have walked through a door and things have changed. Our family has found a new kind of normal and it is nice, we are all still adjusting but moving forward which is always good. It is new and different and I am not complaining at all.

For such a long time the only focus that I have had has been my kids. I know that I am not the only mom that this has happened to. I am not sure if my struggle with infertility propelled me into this role or if it is just who I am. I have always been the one that when the friends get together or invite me out I usually decline.

I hate leaving the kids for several reasons. One is that there are usually so bad I hate to inflict them on someone else (not really but kind of) Two, it seems as soon as I walk out the door all Hell breaks loose and my getting a break is never worth what I have to deal with when I get back home. Three is that I am kind of a homebody. When I became a mom that was kind of it for me. Don't get me wrong I love hanging out with the girls, having a drink or coffee but usually its only when the kids or at school or off at a sleepover. I enjoy spending time with my girlfriends but I prefer it when its in my backyard and all the kids are playing together and I am in my element.

I had also fallen into the mommy trap, you know the one. Where you start to think that all you can do is clean house, run errands, cook, make play dates, read books, do homework and essentially make your family happy. I am not saying that this is a bad thing but we all know that there is a point that we tend to loose ourselves. I gave up working a long time ago to be a SAHM. I wanted to be the supermom the ideal June Cleaver. It has since occurred to me that most women of the 50's and 60's must have been either heavily medicated or drinking most of the alcohol that they were marinating dinner with! My house is never perfect and laundry is never done but I try.

About a month ago after a lot of hemming and hawing on my part I decided to take on a new venture, something that everyone said was perfect for me and that I would be perfect for. I am now a Macaroni Kid Publisher Mom along with the BFF we are publishing for Macaroni Kid Golden Triangle it is amazing. I forgot how much I love working. Research is something I enjoy. Writing was once something I longed to do full time even though I am quite rusty. This is turning out to be such a rewarding experience. I have spent so many years wanting to find something else to do, but I knew that I needed to be available in case the kids were sick or if I was needed and my health has always been an obstacle as well. Macaroni Kid has been something that I have been able to fit in to my schedule. I am still learning balance. I have dissapeared from the twitterverse and my blog has been a little neglected but I know that as time goes by I will be able to find a place for all of it. Thanks to everyone who has supported and encouraged me to do this. I am loving it. It is awesome and if you would like to know more.. just ask!!!


Friday Follow

Here's how YOU can join the Friday Follow celebration:

--Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky below. Only need to add on one blog to be seen on all the blog hops.

--Grab the Friday Follow button and include on your Friday Follow blog post.

--Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots.

--Follow as many other blogs on the linky as you'd like.

--Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you're from Friday Follow.

--Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow.

This list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up each week for new participants to find your blogs. The list is only open to add your blog links on Fridays. It will be visible all week to visit the blogs listed.

MckLinky Blog Hop

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Winner**Nourish Your Inner Goddess**

Congratulations to winner of the Yoplait Nourish your Inner Goddess giveaway! Thanks to everyone who entered!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Nourish Your Inner Goddess With Yoplait Greek Yogurt Review and *Giveaway*

With one day left to enter, I wanted to republish this post to give everyone a reminder and a chance to enter:

With 12 grams of protein -- twice that found in leading yogurts--new Yoplait Greek nourishes from the inside out. Available in four delicious flavors, Strawberry, Blueberry, Honey Vanilla and Plain, the brand’s newest offering has a unique thick and creamy texture with the unmatched taste expected of Yoplait.

To celebrate its new Greek yogurt and to encourage women to nourish their inner goddess, Yoplait has teamed up with actress Izabella Miko, who plays Greek Goddess Athena in the epic adventure new Warner Bros. Pictures’ and Legendary Pictures’ film “Clash of the Titans,” in theatres April 2 in 3D.

I was delighted to recieve the opportunity to review Yoplait Greek Yogurt. I selected the Honey Vanilla and Bluberry to try. I have to say I loved the thick and creamy texture of the yogurt. The Bluberry was a little tart to me but my girls loved it. I preffered the Honey Vanilla and only wished I would have had some fruit to dip in it. We love yogurt and I will defintely be adding this to my regular shopping list. The kids all had mixed reviews but overall Yoplait Greek Yogurt recieved 5 thumbs up out of 7 which is really good with this picky bunch!

Now on to the fun stuff:

WIN: One lucky reader will recieve a Yoplait Greek “Nourish Your Inner Goddess” gift pack that contains two VIP* coupons for two free cups of Yoplait Greek yogurt.

In addition, stop by here to download a coupon* and save $0.30 on one cup of new Yoplait Greek today!

*This coupon offer for a free cup of Yoplait Greek yogurt is not valid in some states, including California, Idaho, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, North Dakota, and Tennessee.

**A product was received for this review. Yoplait provided me with the free product, information, and gift pack through MyBlogSpark. All opinions are my own.

To enter , leave a comment with a valid email address and tell us:

  • Which flavor of Yoplait Greek yogurt you´d most like to try
  • How you get in touch with your own inner goddess

Leave separate comments for each:

1. Tweet About It (2 extra entries)
2. Blog About It ( 3 extra entries)

**Winner will be chosen April 5, 2010**

Friday, April 2, 2010

Friday Follow - A Celebration of Followers

It's that time if the week again today I will be participating in Friday Follow hosted by One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families, Midday Escapades

This idea is a fun way to find out about new blogs, find new friends, and grow in followers. So hop on over and link up for a chance to meet up with a bunch of great bloggers! So if you have time I encourage you to participate.

Here's how YOU can join the Friday Follow celebration:

--Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky below. Only need to add on one blog to be seen on all the blog hops.

--Grab the Friday Follow button and include on your Friday Follow blog post.

--Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots.

--Follow as many other blogs on the linky as you'd like.

--Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you're from Friday Follow.

--Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow.

This list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up each week for new participants to find your blogs. The list is only open to add your blog links on Fridays. It will be visible all week to visit the blogs listed.

While you're here take a minute to Hop down and sign up for my "Nourish Your Inner Goddess" Giveaway, you don't want to miss out on this one! I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend!

MckLinky Blog Hop

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My Blog is Carbon Neutral. Is Yours?

After two days with Loco YaYa trying to get all of the Easter Bunny shopping done which may seem simple but it's not.. With two Tweens, the Twins and Lil' K it makes family pics a little interesting. Luckily for us after not too much stress we found 5 perfectly coordinated outfits for Easter that each child was actually happy with and the little man is even wearing a pink Polo with his navy shorts. So anyway now that all the candy, baskets, goodies and outfits are bought I was not left with much brain power for a blog post and then as I was Hopping (ha  ha) around my favorite blogs I stopped by my friend Pams and saw this post and was inspired to join in. I am a want to be Greenie at heart. I strive to save more and waste less as much as I can. So I didn't want to miss this chance make my Blog "Green".

KaufDA is a German based company who has dedicated themselves to helping the environment. They have launched a new campaign called "Make it Green!" Their goal with this campaign is to reduce the carbon footprint by raising awareness of the severe environmental damage caused by carbon emissions.

One of their goals is to raise awareness of the carbon emissions resulting from the use of the internet - specifically of blogs. A blog with 15,000 visits a month has a yearly carbon dioxide emissions of 8lb. To neutralize these emissions they have created "My blog is carbon neutral" buttons so bloggers can demonstrate that they care about the environment and the carbon footprint of their blogs.

For every blog that supports their organization, and adds this button to their blog, they plant a tree. This reduces the carbon footprint of our blogs. KaufDA is working in cooperation with the Arbor Day Foundation in Plumas National Forest in Northern California for their project to neutralize the carbon footprint of blogs.

If you would like to join in go here for more information.

carbon neutral offers and shopping with