After two days with Loco YaYa trying to get all of the Easter Bunny shopping done which may seem simple but it's not.. With two Tweens, the Twins and Lil' K it makes family pics a little interesting. Luckily for us after not too much stress we found 5 perfectly coordinated outfits for Easter that each child was actually happy with and the little man is even wearing a pink Polo with his navy shorts. So anyway now that all the candy, baskets, goodies and outfits are bought I was not left with much brain power for a blog post and then as I was Hopping (ha ha) around my favorite blogs I stopped by my friend Pams and saw this post and was inspired to join in. I am a want to be Greenie at heart. I strive to save more and waste less as much as I can. So I didn't want to miss this chance make my Blog "Green".
KaufDA is a German based company who has dedicated themselves to helping the environment. They have launched a new campaign called "Make it Green!" Their goal with this campaign is to reduce the carbon footprint by raising awareness of the severe environmental damage caused by carbon emissions.
One of their goals is to raise awareness of the carbon emissions resulting from the use of the internet - specifically of blogs. A blog with 15,000 visits a month has a yearly carbon dioxide emissions of 8lb. To neutralize these emissions they have created "My blog is carbon neutral" buttons so bloggers can demonstrate that they care about the environment and the carbon footprint of their blogs.
For every blog that supports their organization, and adds this button to their blog, they plant a tree. This reduces the carbon footprint of our blogs. KaufDA is working in cooperation with the Arbor Day Foundation in Plumas National Forest in Northern California for their project to neutralize the carbon footprint of blogs.
If you would like to join in go here for more information.
Not giving up.
13 hours ago
Thanks for sharing!! I'm going to check out right now.
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